Snow Walking: Avoid Injuries with these helpful tips

There are thousands of reports every year on injuries from slipping or falling from the snow.

If you live in a country where it snows, you must have had an experience at some point. Some experiences are laughable, while others are not so funny.

Check out these helpful tips on how to stay safe snow walking this winter.

1. Wear good shoes

winter boots

Good shoes should place your feet firmly on the ground. A strong sole, ankle support, and waterproof materials are your best best for winter shoes. Also, ensure they are comfortable, warm, and light.

2. Look ahead


If you’re walking on ice or snow, plan your steps. Always see where your feet will land next, so you’re ready. Sometimes, in extreme weather, you‘ll need to share the road with vehicles – be careful.

3. Pay attention


Just as you need to see everything, you also need to hear. Don’t distract yourself by plugging your ears and listening to music. You must be able to hear if a snowmobile is approaching.

4. Walk slowly


Walking fast is the fastest way to a fall. Better to be late than arrive early with a dislocation. Take your time. Walk slowly. If you feel there’s ice under the cover of snow, choose a different route.

Winter may be a difficult time to move around safely, but it’s still beautiful. You just need to be prepared.

Good luck on your snowy travels!

Do you have an experience on this you’d like to share with us? Drop them in the comments.





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