Burning out is inevitable when you have a lot of tasks to do. For instance, It’s the middle of the week but most of the tasks you laid out on Sunday haven’t been achieved. So, you are tired, stressed, and frustrated with yourself. This you? Then, this one’s for you.

First, what does It mean to burn out?
This is a state of constant exhaustion and lack of motivation or optimism due to chronic stress. It usually can be attributed to work overload and your inability to manage your tasks effectively. If you are burning out, you have to first acknowledge that you are before a solution can happen. Here, read the 7 signs:
1. Constant Fatigue
The first way to tell you’re burning out is if you are always feeling tired and unable to get anything done. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. Don’t assume it’s just laziness. You are probably burning out.

2. Pessimism
While negative emotions are inevitable in the world today, recognize when it has become a habit. Have you been a lot more cynical lately? Lost faith in your abilities and life itself? You are not crazy. Yet.

3. Health Issues
Yes, it gets as bad as this. Especially if you have underlying health conditions. You may start to experience constant back pains, headaches, depression, insomnia, and obesity if you are prone.

4. Cognitive difficulties
All of a sudden, you find that you can no longer pay attention. You try to read and the words are dancing in your vision. Or, you can’t focus on one task for long before your mind wanders off again. This is a big neon sign.

5. Detachment
You’re generally disinterested in everything you used to enjoy about life. You dread communication or visits from your loved ones and often feel this need to run away and hide forever. You are not weird. You are burning out.

6. Unhealthy coping mechanisms
Stress is usually the best excuse for unhealthy lifestyles. Do you find yourself picking up habits like increased drinking, smoking, or ignoring your personal hygiene? In a bid to cope, you are only worsening your situation.

7. Low productivity
If you are burning out, you will definitely see a massive reduction in your work output. This lack of productivity can cause a strain in your relationships with your employers. A popular saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Thus, to avoid ruining possibly beneficial relationships, you must take charge of your life.
How to regain control
1. Stop: You are doing so much that you have stopped thinking. Address the problem wholeheartedly, before seeking out a solution.
2. Make a list of your responsibilities: This is the time to be brutally honest with yourself. Some things need to go, so let them.
3. Delegate: Are there tasks on this list that you can delegate to someone? Do it fast. And, resist the urge to micro-manage
4. Take breaks: It doesn’t need to be to the Bahamas. Sometimes, just drop everything work-related and spend time on yourself.
5. Learn to say NO: We’ve all heard this term before, right? (Side-eye). Well, it is the only way you can keep from constantly burning out. Recognize that you’re not the only one in the world qualified for all tasks. Say NO to responsibilities that will further drain your energy.
As we look forward to yet another new week, take some time to assess your life using this sign. And, in every decision you make, make sure to put yourself first.
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