5 Foods That Will Help Channel Your Higher Consciousness

If you want to attain higher consciousness levels without going to the extreme with illegal drugs and having altered states of consciousness, simple dietary adjustments are the better  solution.

pineal gland

Our Pineal Gland is located in the centre of the brain. The French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes calls it the “Seat of the Soul.” It is also known as the Third Eye.

The Third Eye is associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. It is said to be around the middle of the forehead, representing enlightenment.

One way to improve communication of the pineal gland to the brain is by increasing our greens and alkaline water intake and consuming less acidic foods – fast foods.

Here are five foods you can start incorporating into your diet to enhance your spiritual connection.

1. AvocadoAvocado

Avocado is an alkalizing food containing natural fatty acids and helps the brain function well. It goes well with almost anything and has an excellent satisfying flavour.

2. KaleKale

Kale is a powerhouse for your Third Eye chakra because it’s rich in chlorophyll and very alkalizing. On its own, it’s not very tasty, but you can take it with lemon juice. You can also use it in smoothies.

3. CacaoVCacao

Cacao has strong antioxidants, which helps in the process of decalcification. Cacao also stimulates the Third Eye chakra, but you should take it in its raw form.

4. Dates5 Foods That Will Help Channel Your Higher Consciousness - dates

Like avocados, dates contain boron, which helps the endocrine and nervous systems function optimally. They are a better alternative for refined sugars. They come with minerals and nutrients that help harmonize your energy.

5. Garlic


Cooking with garlic is a long-standing practice of spiritual practitioners because it forms alkaline. It is also a calcium detox if you have a build-up in your body. Introduce small amounts in your diets and see how your body responds.

Note: Do not take raw garlic on an empty stomach.

Finally, remove fluoride from your diet. Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland, blocking higher consciousness. Foods that contain fluoride include soda, tea, coffee, potatoes and broth.

Also, if you’re going to have dairy, limit it to organic dairy and consider kefir as an alternative.

Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi also have an excellent effect on enhancing your spiritual awakening. 

Once you’re open to your higher consciousness, keep up the diet. You can’t go back to ingesting junks and expect your consciousness to stay open. It’s all about a healthy lifestyle.

What foods do you use to enhance your spiritual connection? Share with us in the comments.







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